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Impact of LEGS

LEGS is an independent initiative that aims to improve the quality and livelihoods impact of livestock-related projects in humanitarian situations.

The Impact of LEGS

LEGS monitors its impact in two key ways:

Organisational impacts

LEGS tracks the incorporation of LEGS into the policies and procedures of key organisations, the extent to which LEGS is used in needs assessment and evaluations by these organisations, and the training of staff in the use of LEGS.

Livelihoods impacts

LEGS aims to monitor the impact of emergency interventions on livestock and livelihoods, in particular those which use the LEGS approach. See below for more information and links to selected resources on impact assessment.

LEGS Training Programme

LEGS Trainers

As a result of the TOT programme, there are now 403 LEGS Trainers, in 79 countries worldwide, as shown on the map below:

LEGS Training Courses

Of the 403 LEGS trainers, 243 of them are actively training in the 52 countries, as shown on the map below:

For more information on the LEGS Training Programme, see the Training pages.

Easier to use, expanded response options and more case studies: this second edition of LEGS has surpassed the very high standards set by the first edition. It continues to be the benchmark for best practice in emergency livestock programming

Neil Marsland — Senior Technical Officer, Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation, FAO, Rome

I welcome the second edition of LEGS, a practical expression of the core principle of building local capacities to ensure appropriate livestock interventions during times of crisis. Grounded in a commitment to preparedness in order to maintain the coping capacities of livestock keepers the application of the LEGS standards can reduce costs of emergency response in other life-saving sectors. I strongly recommend LEGS for both development and humanitarian actors working in areas where livestock is the main livelihood.

Joanne O’Flannagan — Humanitarian Programme Coordinator, Trócaire, Ireland

LEGS provides a meeting point for humanitarian response and livestock-based interventions, while ensuring that principles and standards are understood and maintained. This promises to be an invaluable tool for response planning.

Julie March — Agriculture and Food Security Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance




LEGS Trainers


LEGS Trainings


People Reached