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LEGS Training of Trainers Course

LEGS aims to improve the quality and livelihoods impact of livestock-related projects in humanitarian situations.

LEGS Training of Trainers (TOT) Courses

The LEGS Training Programme is based on regional Training of Trainers (TOT) courses and the programme aims to build training capacity in countries affected by humanitarian crises through a cadre of LEGS Trainers. LEGS is able to organise TOT courses; however the course must be fully funded by the commissioning organisation.

If you are interested in funding a TOT, please contact the LEGS Coordinator. For more details, read the Guide to LEGS TOT Courses.

What is a TOT?

  • LEGS TOTs are aimed at providing the skills and materials to enable participants to become LEGS Trainers, who can then deliver the LEGS Core Training Course (formerly called the “3-day LEGS Training Course”) in their own countries and regions.
  • Organisations commissioning a TOT must fund the entire course, not just their participants. (LEGS is able to provide cost estimates based on other TOTs.)
  • Recent TOTs have been delivered for PRAPS in West Africa, Prodel in Cameroon, USAID/TOPS in Burkina Faso, FAO in Pakistan, World Animal Protection in Vietnam, and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank in Ethiopia. See the full list of Completed TOTs.

Selection Criteria for Participants

Organisations funding a TOT course should use the criteria below to select participants.

Participants should be livestock and humanitarian specialists working in emergencies, including from international and national organisations, government and independent consultants, who also:

  • Have experience delivering participatory training courses
  • Have livelihoods or livestock experience in emergencies
  • Are committed to carrying out LEGS Core Training Courses at least twice a year on demand
  • Have approval from their employer (where applicable) to carry out LEGS Core Training Courses at least twice a year as required, in addition to any internal trainings that may be carried out
  • Are proficient in written and spoken English/French/Spanish
  • Are familiar with LEGS (experience of applying LEGS in the field desirable)
  • Are familiar with Sphere (desirable)